jb Standard SMD Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor

Keywords: SMD Aluminum, Electrolytic capacitor, Chip Electrolytic Capacitors, Surface Mount Electrolytic Capacitors Nichicon, Panasonic, Rubycon, Panasoic ,capacitor, MKT MKP etc..

jb capacitors company strongly recommend SMD standard type Aluminum electrolytic capacitors.

Our factory not only professional at MKT MKP Film capacitors, but also professional at manufacturing SMD aluminum electrolytic capacitors. We focus on standard type, can offfer many equivalents of big brands, such as Nichicon, Rubycon, Panasonic, Epcos, Arcotronics(Kemet), Sanyo etc...

We produce standard JCS & JCK, I.E. 2000hours at 85C' & 1000hours at 105C', see below our photo and size, welcome you send us inquiry.

case size(DxL):4x5.4~5.8mm, 5x5.4~5.8mm, 6.3x5.4~5.8mm, 6.3x7.7mm, 8x10.5mm, 10x10.5mm

jb Box type Metallized Film Capacitors

Keywords: Box MKT Film Capacitors; Box MKP Film Capacitors; Double sided Box Metallized Polypropylene Film Capacitors.

jb Capacitors Company produce Box type Film Capacitors as below:

*JFD--Box Metallized Polyester Film Capacitors
*JFJ--Mini box stacked Met Polyester Film Capacitors
*JFM--Box Metallized Polypropylene Film Capacitors
*JFQ--Double Sided Box Metallized Polypropylene Film Capacitors
*JFV--X2 Metallized Polypropylene Film Capacitors, Box type.

jb one part of test motor run capacitors

Keywords: motor run capacitors; motor starting capacitors

You can test a motor run capacitor using a 100 watt light bulb and a digital ac volt meter.
Never use an ohm meter to test a motor run capacitor. It is a very inconclusive test and only shows that there is "something" in the circuit. You are essentially "shooting blind".
To test motor start capacitors you will need a 200-300 watt bulb depending on the size.
Caution: capacitors can hold a charge when removed from the circuit unless they have a bleeder resistor. Discharge the capacitor through the light bulb before handling. A capacitor in a working motor circuit cannot hold a charge, it is discharged the instant the power is removed.

Pls. see our JFS--Motor starting capacitors, here is datasheet: http://www.jbcapacitors.com/pdf/JFS-Motor-Starting-Capacitor.pdf. you will find the quality is quite good when you use the correct test mothod.

jb capacitors strongly recommend JFX high quality axial type MKP film capacitors

jb capacitors company produce Axial type high end MKP film capacitors JFX.

key words: MKP Film capacitors; Audio film capacitors; Axial film capacitors; Metallized Polypropylene Film Capacitors

See below picture, this JFX widely used in High end Audio products, amplifier, and many high end passive crossovers.

This is premium metallized polypropylene film capacitors, Axia type, very few suppliers can offer so competitive products in China.

Compared with Auri cap, Jantzen, Erse audio, Mundorf etc, our lead time is very short, the important is our prices are very competitive!

jb Film Capacitors Applications

JFA--Polyester Film Capacitors CL11
Applications: DC and pulse circuits of broadcasting and TV sets, all kinds of instruments and communication equipment.
Energy Saving Lamps.

JFB--Metallized Polyester Film Capacitors CL21 and CL21X
Applications: DC and pulse circuits of electronic equipment, TV Sets, communication equipment and energy saving light sources.
Available for automatic insertion.

JFC--Metallized Polyester Film AC Capacitors CL23B
Applications: Low frequency AC circuits, DC and pulse circuits.

JFP--Metallized Foil High Voltage Polypropylene Film Capacitors CBB81
Applications: Suitable for high pulse and large current loading circuits.

JFV--Class X2. Metallized Foil Polypropylene Film Capacitors for Electric-Light Sources CBB18
Applications: Energy Saving Lamps and Electronic Ballasts, High Pulse and Large Current Loading Circuit.

JFL--Metallized Polypropylene Film Capacitors CBB21
Applications: DC and Pulse Circuits.

JFY--Metallized Polypropylene Film AC Capacitors With Plastic Case Sealed CBB62-B
Applications: Appling to request for low dissipation and small internal temperature rise. For example across the line in power supply.

JFM--Metallized Polypropylene Film Capacitors With Plastic Case Sealed CBB21-B
Applications: DC and pulse circuits.

JFQ--Double Sided Box Metallized Polypropylene Film Capacitor of High Voltage Impulse MMKP
Applications: High voltage pulse circuits (for example light sources, laser units).

JFS--Motor Capacitors, CBB60,CBB61,CBB65
Lighting Capacitors for fluorescent lamps, discharge lamps, high-pressure sodium vapour lamps (HS), metal halide lamps (HI), mercury vapour lamps (HM).

jb condensateur--composant électronique

Si vous êtes spécialisés en composant électronique et vous avez les demandes en condensateur, si vous êtes un distributeur qui cherche les condensateur pour votre client, si vous êtes un fabricant et vous cherchez un condensateur pour soutenir vos projets, vous pouvez cliquer ici 
www.jbcapacitors.hk et découvrir jb capacitors.

Vous allez trouver jb capacitors est très fort en toutes les séries de MKT,MKP Films condensateur, JFV-X2 Métallisé, Polypropylène Films condensateur, et JFB sont les meilleurs ventes, et maintenant jb capacitors peut même offrir la série de JFQ, cette série est cessé l’année dernière a cause du manque de matière.

La série de JFQ est haute terminal Films condensateur en Chine, double faces Métallisé, Polypropylène Films condensateur, peu de fournisseur peut le fabriquer. Mais nous pouvons vous l’offrir avec un court délais de 5-6 semaines.

Type boîte avec tres petite taille et haute rayon de voltage et large rayon de capacité, il peut remplacer certain Epcos, Evox, Arcotronics Films condensateur.

A part des différents type de condensateurs, nous somme aussi professionnel pour large can électronique aluminium Condensateurs, Snap-in, Screw, Lug type, SMD type standard. Nous attendons une l’occasion de vous présenter notre devis compétitive avec bon prix, court délais et haute qualités.

jb oferece – capacitores filme de poliéster metalizado

Prezado Gerente de Compras:

como você sabe a jb capacitores atua na produção de capacitores de filme plástico.
Produzimos 22 séries de capacitores filme desde 1980. Nossos capacitores filme de poliéster metalizado JFB são a linha mais recomendada.

Agora temos alguns descontos especiais para compra de poliéster metalizado. Se puder, por favor, envie sua lista de consulta dos capacitores poliéster metalizado, você ficará satisfeito com nossos preços! O prazo de entrega também é muito atrativo.

JFB – capacitores filme de poliéster metalizado (dipped)      
0.1uF 250VDC +/- 10% P: 10mm  Granel - RoHS
0.047uF 400VDC +/-10% P: 10mm  Granel - RoHS

Você poderia visitar nosso website e enviar-nos uma lista de consulta? www.jbcapacitors.com

jb MKP Film Capacitors used for in series with the mains

Does your customer have urgnet need on one capacitor which specially designed for series design? jb capacitors can recommend our JFY series for you, specially designed in series circuit, used for capacitive-drop power supply, and meter system.

JFY-Metallized Polypropylene Film Capacitor
Rated Voltage: 275VAC
Capacitance: E3 & E6 series
Tolerance: +/-10 %

If you have need or interest, feel free to contact us for datasheet.

jb MKT/MKP capacitors application

Do you have an idea on jb capacitors company series? Generally speaking, jb capacitors company has many popular series, today I will show you JFB- MKT film capacitors and JFV-X2 MKP film capacitors first.

JFB- Metallized Polyester Film Capacitors , is always among our key products due to its unbeatable price and short lead time. It can cross to Vishay MKT468, Epcos B32591~32594, Panasonic ECQE, ECQV, Pilkor PCMT 369.  It mainly uses in filtering, DC blocking coupling, general communication equipment, bypass and energy reservoir. Except that, it also can be used on automatic phase reversal module, AC receiver, HID ignitors, power adaptor, flashing light and lighting.

Our another strong point, JFV-X2 Metallized Polypropylene Film Capacitors, also called X2 interference Suppression polypropylene film capacitors, has the advantage on price competition in most market. That may cross to Kemet & Arcotronics:  R46, Philip Vishay: MKP3382, Epcos: B81 130, Evox Rifa: PHE840M. Most of our customers use it in power supply, lighting, LED driver, fans, power meter, motor control, ignitor, filter, heater controller, microwave, battery charger, and so on.

Welcome your comments if you need other applications!

jb конденсатор ( аналог K73-17, CL21 & X2 )

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Как Ваши дела?

Сообщите мне, пожалуйста, Ваш адрес доставки или e-mail Вашего отдела закупок.

Меня зовут Дена, я с компании JB Capacitor. Наше предприятие с 1980 года производит пленочные конденсаторы, конденсаторы с большой емкостью с резьбовыми выводами и Snap-In,
электролитические алюминиевые SMD. Наша продукция широко продвигается по всему миру, и пользуется спросом, благодаря высокому качеству и низкой цене.
Я искренне верю в наше с Вами плодотворное сотрудничество. Позвольте мне представить цены на некоторые наши самые ходовые позиции.

JFV – X2 металлизированный полипропиленовый пленочный конденсатор, имеет сертификаты качества UL, TUV, CE – внутренний сертификат безопасности.
Срок производства: 5~6 недель, многие позиции на складе
Аналоги Panasonic ECQU, Arcotronics R46, Vishay MKP3382, Epcos B81130

JFB – металлизированный полипропиленовый пленочный конденсатор (аналог K73-17, CL21)
Срок производства: 5~6 недель
Аналоги Vishay MKT468, Epcos B32591~32594, Panasonic ECQV, Pilkor PCMT369

JFA – Полистирольные пленочные конденсаторы (CL-11)
JFB – Металлизированные пленочные конденсаторы (CL-21)
JFE – Миниатюрные металлизированные пленочные конденсаторы (CL-21X)
JFD – Металлизированные пленочные конденсаторы в прямоугольном корпусе (CL23)
JFG – Аксиальные металлопленочные и полипропиленовые конденсаторы
JFL – Металлизированные полипропиленовые конденсаторы CBB-21
JFO – <Class X2> Помехоподавляющие полипропиленовые конденсаторы
JFP – Высоковольтные полипропиленовые конденсаторы (CBB81)
JCS – SMD алюминиевые электролитические конденсаторы, 2000h , 85C
JCK – SMD алюминиевые электролитические конденсаторы,. 1000h , 105C

jb Capacitors Company